Video Marketing

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Video Marketing

The importance of creating quality videos to promote your brand is non-debatable today. Not only do people prefer videos over plain text, search engine crawlers also like them better! Did you know a video is 50 times more likely to rank on a SERP (search engine page result) than text?

So, within the gamut of Digital Marketing, what exactly is video marketing?
In layman terms, video marketing is the use of videos to promote your brand, product, or service in the digital world. The aim of video marketing is generally to increase engagement on digital and social channels.

Borrowing from a research study conducted by Hubspot, that surveyed people across multiple countries in the USA and Europe, people preferred video the most when it came to content consumption from brands that they support or like.

While one would think that the cost associated with video marketing would be high, that is not necessarily true. Today a 4K video can be shot on a smartphone and uploaded to a social channel with little editing. Consumers of online media tend to believe that the more simple and raw a video is, the more authentic its content creators are.
Why is Video Marketing an integral part of any brand’s Social Media Strategy?

A study by Microsoft revealed that the average human being has an attention span of 8 seconds in the year 2020. The same study conducted in 2000 revealed an attention span of 12 seconds. What this means is that our patience is decreasing, we want more and we want it now. If we don’t get anything new soon, we get bored and move on to something else.

When it comes to online marketing and digital strategies for brands, this is a very important insight. It means that we need to constantly change and be different to keep our customer’s interest. Good  content videos do just that. They can convey a large amount of information, in an interesting way, with much lesser time when compared to plain text.

Videos allow you to showcase your brand and products and build trust with your audience. They are like your televisions advertisements but at a small fraction of the cost.

3 important tips for creating good video content

1. Keep it under 60s. The shorter, the better still.

2. Embed a call to action. It could be visit our website, buy our product, subscribe to our newsletter and so on.

3. Content is the key. Don’t make a video because its the thing to do, make it because you have something interesting, unique and valuable for your audience to watch.

What kind of videos make for good content that customers like to see?

1. Make some customer testimonial videos
2. Make product application videos
3. Make videos that show company culture
4. Make animation videos to show statistics or processes
5. Take a clip from a previous webinar or condensed the most important points from a previous
6. Make a Live Video

Are you still iffy about integrating video marketing into your digital marketing strategy mix?
These statistics will make you think again!,

A video on your homepage is capable of increasing conversion rates by 80{dbaebbac03b7abd58e76587e334c89dfd89cc1540736dd72e3d9781ad58cf83e} – Hubspot

The mere mention of the word ‘video’ in your email subject line increases open rates by 19{dbaebbac03b7abd58e76587e334c89dfd89cc1540736dd72e3d9781ad58cf83e} – Animoto

90{dbaebbac03b7abd58e76587e334c89dfd89cc1540736dd72e3d9781ad58cf83e} of customers say that a video helps them make purchase decisions. – Forbes

500,00,000 people watch videos on Facebook every day. This number is greater than youtube!

One in four consumers actually loses interest in a company if it doesn’t have video. – Animoto

People spent on average 2.6x more time on pages with video than without.

In 2016, video accounted for nearly 73{dbaebbac03b7abd58e76587e334c89dfd89cc1540736dd72e3d9781ad58cf83e} of Internet traffic and is predicted to make up at least 82{dbaebbac03b7abd58e76587e334c89dfd89cc1540736dd72e3d9781ad58cf83e} of traffic by 2021. – Cisco

Measure the Results of Your Video
While the statistics can motivate you to add some video content into your digital marketing strategy, it is best to judge how well it works for your brand. While you will track the obvious waysto see the reach and success of your videos; likes, shares, comments on social media, you can also explore doing a bit of study on the in-depth effectiveness of your video marketing campaign.

Before you add your video onto your webpage check its bounce-rate and time-on-page. Then check the same a few weeks after placing and promoting the video. This will help estimate the effectiveness of the video.

Another important metric to see is the completion rate of the video. It determines how many people watched the full video v/s how many people clicked on it and watched only part of it. This can be a good indication for how good your video was content wise.

You can also explore the click-through-rate of your video. This is the number of times the call-to-action of your video is clicked v/s the number of times it was viewed. This metric is a very effective way to measure how compelling your video is to its viewers to take the action that the video was intended for.

Let me Conclude with the Power of a Video

I am sure that you have heard of, if not used, the online file sharing space Dropbox. Did you know that Dropbox’s most important launch strategy was a video? In 2009, the then startup Dropbox got a 2 minute video made to explain how its product is unique and how it works. Amongst other digital places, this video was placed on the landing page of the and remained there for many years.

According to Dropbox, this video was viewed 30,000 times per day!
In total it had over 25,000,000 views
During the time this video was online dropbox reached its goal of 100,000,000 users!

Obviously a lot of factors got Dropbox the success and interest it garnered, but the company credits the video to being a key player in its success strategy.

According to Digital Marketing expert Dr. James McQuivey, if a picture is worth a 1000 words then a 1 minute video is worth 1.8 million words!

Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed this article do write to us! We would love to hear from you!

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