For years, “Content is King” has been a common phrase. But it has been too often taken for granted. So much that it has become a meaningless phrase. That’s not to indicate it has become irrelevant. It still has relevance and that’s only when it’s said, “High-Impact Content is King.”

The world’s leading authority on agile marketing and noted author, Andrea Fryrear perhaps summed it up best when she said, “Our job is not to create content. Our job is to change the world of the people who consume it.” 

People will consume content only if it has a positive impact on them and not otherwise. Businesses that use impactful content are more likely to garner six times more conversions than those who don’t use it. Impactful content certainly has a strong effect and can help cultivate qualified leads that translate into conversions.

Of late, Data has come to play an important role in content creation. Incorporating qualified data to your content will not only make it more impactful but also help to quickly reach your target-audience as it’s the content they want to read.  

Besides, it

  • Gives your content more authenticity and proves the validity of your content claims. By backing them with studies and surveys, your audience will see the value in your content.  
  • Adds value to your content. Your audience will feel more informed about the content’s topic with statistics to back up the information. As a result, the content will become more valuable as statistics help emphasize the value in taking a certain action.
  • Builds credibility to your content claims. If the content says people enjoy a specific product or the product has been helping so and so people effectively. When you back it up with authentic data, they build the content’s credibility.
  • Tells your audience that you prepared sufficiently for developing it, taking time to learn about the content’s topic, researched it, and provided information with data. Put together they all help the audience consume it better.

Ultimately, impactful content is all about appropriate and quality content with authentic data to back them up.


Data is critical to creating high-impact content. Make sure you are using the appropriate data to not only create it, but also optimize it for the content to have the highest impact.

Considering its importance, it’s vital to know how it can be leveraged to develop data-driven content.


Before you look to use data to develop impactful content, figure out the purpose of the content and for whom it’s intended for. 

  • Is it an informational content, looking to educate and inform the audience?  If so, then it should be instructional that’s easy and simple to follow and understand. Examples include How-To-Guide, Tutorials, etc.
  • Is it an entertaining content, looking to entertain the audience with the aim of providing respite from their problems and worries? If so, then it should be light-hearted and humorous that engages the reader. Examples include Storytelling, Compelling Visuals, Comical and Humorous, etc.
  • Is it behind-the-scenes content that provides a glimpse to the audience into what happens behind the scenes? If so, the content should be explained in a way that gives the reader a peek into what goes on behind the scenes, that is, the real people and processes behind the scenes. The audience will get to learn about the human side of it in a way that connects with it emotionally and builds trust. Examples include Content that gives a peek at product development or light-hearted moments at workspace, or any content that allows your audience to relate on a more personal level.
  • Is it user-generated content created and shared by your audience? If so, it should be engaging and interactive that encourages active participation from your audience. Examples include Reviews, User-Submitted Content, etc.

Understanding its purpose is critical. It helps drives content creation process and ensures the content is created to deliver value to the intended audience.


To find the right data, undertake a research study of data that’s crucial to develop your content. There are several sources. Some will be easy to find with analytics trackers while others will require intense scrutiny and analysis.

Let us say you’re developing content for your organization. There are four sources from which you can obtain data to develop the content.

  • INTERNAL DATA: They pertain to data extracted from internal databases gathered from daily operations. What makes them a useful data is they are original, authentic, and unique. Some examples include customer habits, internal research study, marketing intelligence, and information on sales and such likes.  
  • COMPANIES DATA: Researching different companies from different industries can give you valuable data relating to your content topic. On most occasions, you can get raw data that will make your content more interesting.
  • COMPETITORS DATA: Like you, there will be competitors using data-driven content. They may have several layers of data that may be of significance to developing your own content. By tracking the data you can gain access to the original source and proceed further from there.
  • FIRST-HAND EXTERNAL DATA: They relate to data from a source that’s not connected to your organization. Mostly procured through firsthand research, you can find new data through survey or research findings. Publicly available data are also a good source of data. They give you interesting statistics and trends.

From whichever source you gather data, ensure it’s credible and genuine.


No purpose would be served if you create content without knowing your audience. After all, they’re the ones who will be reading your content and determine its value.

  • Think about your content from the audience’s perspective. What they want and what kind of data will help them understand the content better.
  • Develop content based on topics that your audience is looking for. To make it easy for them to understand the content, incorporate data in a way that makes the content informative and simple enough to understand.
  • Look up top articles content in Google Analytics. Else you can look up the most liked or shared posts on social media. They give you valuable data, insights, or even trends that can be used to shape your content strategy.
  • Ensure the data is presented in the content in a way that is easy for the audience to digest. The data needs to be explained or made clear for the audience to comprehend and understand.

Moving ahead, find out

  • Does the audience prefer short-form or long-form content?
  • What kind of topics resonate the best with the audience? 
  • What kind of visuals or imagery or even infographics your audience prefers to be included in the content?

The data obtained from the above queries will give you a better idea of what kind of content style the audience generally would want to read. This way, you can leverage data to develop high-impact content.


By now you know for which audience you’re developing the content and what kind of content they want. But if the content does not contain keyword(s), it will not have much effect with the audience searching for on Google. It is more likely to get lost somewhere in Google’s never-ending pits. 

The inclusion of keyword(s) in the content is essential. It will help it rank higher in Google. This will make it easier for the searchers to find it. To find the right keywords, use keyword tools online. This will give you a clear picture about how many people are using that keyword when searching for your content topic.  


What exactly is Data-driven content?

It leverages data to develop high-impact content that’s meaningful for and stimulates your target-audience.

To develop such a content,

  • Use Analytics Platforms. They help to analyze what content of similar category is resonating with the searchers and where it is being shared around the web. Spherical Platform is a good example. They synthesize several data sources. This will give you a complete picture of your audience at the individual level.
  • Use Data Collaboration Tools. They help to enrich your first-party data with attribute and behavior data secured from online and offline data providers.  Lotame’s Dara Collaboration Tools is a good example. They provide attribute and behavior data from 250 plus online and offline providers. 

The data obtained from these two can be used to 

  • Segment your audience and then develop content that goes well with their expectations. 
  • Personalize the content experience to make it enjoyable to different readers. 

By using a data-driven content strategy, you can develop high-impact content and take it to the next level

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