
Strategy Planning
Creative ad agency and branding agency

Video Marketing Statistics

Here are 10 very important video marketing statistics that every brand manager, entrepreneur and business head should keep in mind while planning a digital marketing campaign in 2020. ...

Creative ad agency and branding agency

Video Marketing Types

Video Marketing has been gaining momentum in the online world since early 2017. Come 2020, it is something without which no digital campaign can clock success. While brand managers are easily sold on the idea of having videos created for their campaigns, they often do...

Creative ad agency and branding agency

Video Marketing

The importance of creating quality videos to promote your brand is non-debatable today. Not only do people prefer videos over plain text, search engine crawlers also like them better! Did you know a video is 50 times more likely to rank on a SERP (search...

Creative ad agency and branding agency

Social Media Statistics

Social Media Statistics Every Marketeer Should Know Did you know which is the most preferred social media platform? Or which is the fastest growing social media platform? Did you know how much time people have spent surfing social media during this pandemic? Here are some...

Creative ad agency and branding agency

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? You made a swanky website and shared your cards with almost everyone you ever met, but your website is not yet seeing the traffic that it ideally should. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) consists of all the marketing techniques and tools...

Creative ad agency and branding agency

An Overview of Digital Marketing

Marketing has changed more in the past 10 years than it had for the whole of the 20th century. First it was enough to give an advertisement in a national newspaper, then as media expanded we had the combination of newspaper and television. About 10...

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